
August 17, 2009

my, what big zucchini you have!

Ok, so, my garden? GOING CRAZY! the zucchini plants are taking over everything!! i've had to break the leaves off to keep them from covering the basil completely (which is now a good sized bush itself!) and it's already taken over the poor tomato plant... but, unfortunately, the tomato plant hasn't been lookin' too hot for a long time now. it's weird though, it's trying really hard to grow fruit, and it's been somewhat successful in that there's little baby tomatoes and they're still getting bigger everyday, but the rest of the plant looks totally dead! anywho, here's a couple snapshots of me, the mr., and baby2 with our first HUGE harvest of zucchini! why didn't anyone tell me earlier in life that growing things was so much fun and not as hard as it seems?

my favorite part is r2 sneaking in to sniff the other zucchini, haha

my favorite part of this'un is how desolate the yard looks
(garden's behind the fence on the right... which we finally fixed the door to, no more dogs getting into the garden! woo!)
(oh and we already ate those bad boys and, tell you what, they were DE-LICIOUS!)


Jeru said...

holy shit!! so... fried zucchini night at your house, right? those look tasty!! <3

Je' Warren said...

we already ate those ones, but there's more to come! should be ready to pick by next week again!